University of Cincinnati DAAP Library MCM Architecture Collection - Hand Drawn Modern​
On June 30, 2018, the DAAP Library welcomed members of cf3, Cincinnati Form Follows Function to view the library’s latest exhibit featuring three Cincinnati architects, Rudy Hermes, Woodie Garber, and Benjamin Dombar. The drawings relate to local buildings, both surviving and gone, and open a window on the history of Modernism in Cincinnati. They also display the architects' design methods and personal visions. As architectural historian Patrick Snadon states, “We live in an age of increasing digital uniformity; these architectural drawings are an art form.” At the event, Elizabeth Meyer was given a check for $500 for digitization of selected mid-century drawings.
Elizabeth Garber, daughter of Woodie Garber, and author of the book, Implosion: a Memoir of an Architect's Daughter, was on-hand to answer questions related to her father’s work. Tyson Hermes, son of Rudy Hermes, also attended with his family.
cf3 is a non-profit modern design forum whose mission is to promote, preserve, educate, document, enjoy, and raise awareness of modern design in and around Cincinnati. Through educational and social events, cf3 will bring together a modernist community to protect this design aesthetic.

The Experimental Practice of Cincinnati Modernist Architect Woodie Garber
On October 19, 2018, Emeritus Professor Patrick Snadon and the DAAP library welcomed Elizabeth W. Garber (daughter of Woodie Garber) who did a presentation that focused on Woodie Garber’s design solutions that were often driven by concern with thermal comfort and energy conservation–part of what we now call “sustainability” in architecture. Elizabeth and Patrick discussed several of Garber’s buildings that incorporated passive and active solutions, including the Sander Hall thermal glass, the movable sun-screens on Procter Hall, the use of the reflective milk glass panels, sculptural elements, etc. Elizabeth also read short selections from Implosion: A Memoir of an Architect’s Daughter, where her father explained his intentions for certain buildings.
The presentation concluded with a reception, a conversation with Patrick Snadon and viewing the Woodie Garber exhibit.
Contact Elizabeth Garber
The Experimental Practice of Cincinnati Modernist Architect Woodie Garber
On October 19, 2018, Emeritus Professor Patrick Snadon and the DAAP library welcomed Elizabeth W. Garber (daughter of Woodie Garber) who did a presentation that focused on Woodie Garber’s design solutions that were often driven by concern with thermal comfort and energy conservation–part of what we now call “sustainability” in architecture. Elizabeth and Patrick discussed several of Garber’s buildings that incorporated passive and active solutions, including the Sander Hall thermal glass, the movable sun-screens on Procter Hall, the use of the reflective milk glass panels, sculptural elements, etc. Elizabeth also read short selections from Implosion: A Memoir of an Architect’s Daughter, where her father explained his intentions for certain buildings.
The presentation concluded with a reception, a conversation with Patrick Snadon and viewing the Woodie Garber exhibit.
Contact Elizabeth Garber